Twin Peaks Furnace Cleaning does not just clean your ducts, in actuality the entire heating/cooling system is cleaned.  If the complete system is not cleaned it may result in recontamination of the whole system, which minimizes the benefits of the cleaning. 

We have some of the newest Furnace cleaning technology in central Alberta. Twin Peaks has truck mounted custom units designed to clean heating and cooling systems.

We use a crew of 2 trained furnace technicians per truck.  This  keeps the time we spend in your house down to 1-1.5 hours on average.  We are able to set up and take down our equipment far more efficiently with a crew of two vs a one person crew.

Twin Peaks prefers to use a whip system to clean the built up dust, dirt and debris from your ducting.  The whip works in the same way as the brush in that it is able to get off that built up dirt in your ducting.  The whip is also able to get into those tight spaces and corners better than the brush.  If you prefer we can use the brush system as well. 

Twin Peaks takes inspects the inner workings of your furnace.  We clean off the burners and remove dirt and debris from the inside of your furnace.  By inspecting your furnace in this way we are able to ensure that ALL the dirt and debris are removed from your system and are not left behind to irritate you at a later time with noises and odors.   We also will not be required to cut a large hole in the duct work. 
By using this method Twin Peaks Furnace Cleaning cleans and inspects the entire system which includes:
-Blower, motor, and assembly
-Air ducts
-Heat exchanger
-Heat exchanger                     
-Drain pan
-Air filter
-Air Cleaner